All posts tagged: destiny


Have you ever watched a confident person enter a room?  There is just something about the way she carries herself:  head erect, shoulders back, walking with purpose.  She seems to ooze confidence and immediately you think this is someone who is self-assured and knows who she is.  So, why is this particular characteristic so important? Well, confidence is self-acceptance or assurance, freedom from doubt, and appreciation of one’s own qualities and abilities.  Confident people are sure of their gifts and talents, and when asked, do not hesitate to articulate their strengths and positive qualities. A person with confidence is more likely to accomplish things in life and accomplish their life goals, living the life of their dreams. In other words, if you want to live your dream life, you have to have confidence in yourself, and in the dream you have set to accomplish. If you desire to live your dream life, you must eliminate any negative self-image or attitude of yourself. Are you a confident person? Do the following traits describe you? Review the …

Dealing With Fear

Most people have some form of fear that they deal with in life. It might be fear of heights, flying, speaking in public, rejection, loneliness, failure, success, or any other forms of fear. In order to get positive results out of life, we must face and conquer our fears. How do you face your fears? Susan Jeffers, the author of “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway,” says that we must re-educate ourselves on how we deal with fear. We must not look at fear as a barrier to success, but as something we all face at one point or another. Instead of being paralyzed by fear, we should gain power, energy, and enthusiasm as we face our fears. The main idea is to not let fear hold you back from experiencing life the way you desire. Don’t let it paralyze you in life. In my first job out of college I worked in the banking industry, and quickly worked my way up to a Branch Manager position. I will never forget the day when …

Did you know the outcomes in your life have everything to do with what you believe? As you strive to achieve your dreams, there will be challenges that come along the way, but when the challenges come, what do you focus on? What are your dominant thoughts? They key to success is in how you respond to those challenges. Look at the list of questions and phrases below and determine how you typically respond to life challenges. Why did I ever pursue this dream? This is impossible. I am not sure if this is worth it. Things are not working. This is too hard. This was a dumb idea to begin with. This is just a bump in the road to help me get to my destiny. I will learn from this and press forward. This too shall pass. I will not give up on my dreams. I am pressing until I reach my destination. My dreams will come to pass, despite this situation. Your thoughts, words, and actions are a good indication of what …

Discover Your Dream

Discovering your dream and what you were designed to do is not always an easy task. The key is to never give up. Take a moment to answer the following questions to help get you started on the path to finding your dream. What brings you happiness? What are your top life values? What are you passionate about?  What do you do for others that doesn’t feel like work? What gets you excited or causes you to “come alive?” What would make your life exciting and more fun? What do you say you will do “someday?” What are you putting off? At what point in your life were you happiest? What were you doing? Who were you with? What makes you feel good about yourself? What or who inspires you? Why? What are your gifts and talents? What do others say you are very good at? What comes easy for you that isn’t so easy for others? What do people usually ask your help for? What is your life’s mission? How do you use your …

Dare to Dream

What are dreams? According to Webster’s dictionary, dreams are something hoped for; something difficult to attain, or far removed from present circumstances. Dreams spark our imagination and are visions that shape our lives. They inspire us to make the impossible possible in our lives. Have you stopped dreaming? If so, you have probably settled for a life that is less than ideal; you may have disengaged from life itself. Is this the life that you want to live? It is time for you to Dare to Dream again, discover your best life, and take calculated steps that will help to turn your dreams into reality. Dreams don’t have to simply be something hoped for, but you can live your dreams by making a few adjustments in your focus and thinking. What steps can you take to begin living your dreams? Get a Dream Journal. A dream journal is simply a tool used to document your dreams and goals. Dream without limits and be very specific. Answer the following questions to get you started: Describe your …